
Here Comes The Sun

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Dystopian scenarios are easy to conjure since so much literary ink has been devoted to portraying them. The fact that they are easy to imagine doesn’t make them more likely to happen. The immediate future…

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Evolutionary Trajectory

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Yesterday, in the face of the failure of the Democrats to take the Senate and the possibility that Trump would win, I felt oddly buoyant. I was faced with the real possibility, even likelihood, of…

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It’s difficult to construct a narrative in which good prevails. It seems to require a long time scale, time enough for things to fall apart and for a new order to arise from the chaos.…

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Gaia’s Antibodies

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Will the Covid-19 pandemic drastically decimate the population? Maybe this virus is the earth’s antibody against the human infection that is otherwise on a sure path to destroying pretty much everything. Am I upset about…

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