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Lucre Induced Sociopathy

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A search for the definition of a sociopath yields an abundance of prurient descriptions, but this, from, suffices: “Typically characterized by a lack of impulse control, empathy, morality and guilt…” It is not controversial…

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Vaccine Hesitancy

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I am reluctant to get the COVID booster. There is good reason to distrust the pharmaceutical industry. I think that the relevant government agencies have been largely captured by industry and captured by the broader…

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It’s Not Your Body

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The pro-choice movement needs a new slogan. The one it’s using now is based on the same logic as that used by people who claim that wearing a seatbelt or getting vaccinated is their choice.…

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Transition: Part 1 – Overlords

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The overlords are not a monolithic group. Though they all participate in a sociopathic economic system, they are not all sociopaths. The overarching character of the economic system gives the impression that its principal actors…

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Here Comes The Sun

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Dystopian scenarios are easy to conjure since so much literary ink has been devoted to portraying them. The fact that they are easy to imagine doesn’t make them more likely to happen. The immediate future…

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The next time you are tempted to curse the stupidity of the Trump cult “deplorables”, consider this: the underclass is maintained in a state of ignorance, want and contention by the overlords for the purposes…

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Evolutionary Trajectory

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Yesterday, in the face of the failure of the Democrats to take the Senate and the possibility that Trump would win, I felt oddly buoyant. I was faced with the real possibility, even likelihood, of…

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