Posts By Seth


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It’s difficult to construct a narrative in which good prevails. It seems to require a long time scale, time enough for things to fall apart and for a new order to arise from the chaos.…

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Most of the pundits and politicians I hear from are flabbergasted by the actions of the Trump administration. How could they be so incompetent in dealing with the pandemic and stand behind policies that are…

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Lately I’ve been uplifted by Matthew Fox’s daily meditations on Julian of Norwich, Thomas Aquinas and Meister Eckhart. For a while I thought that I should pursue the magic key that would unlock the hearts…

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Don’t go back to work We are running out of time and we’re running out of leverage. Even in this time of emergency the sociopaths who head our government and industry and the cabal of…

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Don’t Go Back To Work

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Resuming economic activity means resuming our course of planetary destruction, ecological catastrophe and mass extinction. We have just demonstrated that we can create enough money to support people through this crisis. Many economists, from across…

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Trump Is Mentally Ill

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If you need a refresher, browse this list of symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD): A grandiose sense of self-importance Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love Belief that one…

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Get Left With God

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Liberals and progressives have to come back to god. That doesn’t mean we have to stop being atheists. We just have to allow ourselves to use that word, god, to express the source of our…

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